How Technology is Driving Sustainability in Construction

 min read

The demand for sustainable residential construction practices continues to grow. In fact, 47% of engineering and construction executives list sustainability as a major concern in their business. The good news is that you don’t have to reduce your company’s footprint alone. Technology is a major driver in helping organizations achieve their environmental goals. Here’s how: 

1. Estimation Software Reduces Waste and Inefficiencies

The construction industry is a significant contributor to the global waste stream. In fact, up to 30% of materials delivered to a job site can end up as waste. Companies focused on developing more sustainable practices need to address the amount of waste they generate.

Technology like estimating software, takeoff software and 3D modeling can help construction and remodeling companies gain insight into exactly how much of every building product they will need for a job. When you use this technology, you can control the waste factor you will generate for each project. This supports sustainability and saves you money. 

2. Cloud-Based Systems Help Optimize Current Processes 

Sustainability in construction doesn’t only apply to the job site. Companies should examine every process in their organization to find opportunities to reduce their footprint. Moving manual processes to cloud-based systems improves productivity and sustainability. 

Many different technologies support a variety of construction processes. They can reduce paper waste, minimize unnecessary travel and shipping, eliminate human error, and much more. Businesses looking to ‘go green’ should explore how cloud-based technology can drive sustainability on and off the job site. 

3. Data & Analytics Inform Strategic Decision Making

The need for data and analytics has never been more clear than in the wake of the supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the right technology on your side, you can make better, more informed decisions that drive your sustainability goals. Whether you are tracking carbon emissions or waste factor, technology empowers you to understand and optimize your business processes. 

Sustainability is not just a passing trend in the industry - it is the future of construction. Business leaders who prioritize green practices today will enjoy lasting benefits for years to come. 

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